3+3 = 3 years B.A./B.S.+ 3 years J.D.

  • Students in the accelerated (3+3) track must attend McGeorge School of Law, where they will finish their bachelor's degree after completing their first year at McGeorge School of Law. 
  • High-unit majors are NOT recommended for the 3+3 track. These majors include engineering, international studies, business, graphic design and music. 
  • Students in the 3+3 track can decelerate to the 4+3 track at any time.

4+3 = 4 years B.A./B.S.+ 3 years J.D.

  • Students in the traditional 4+3 track have more flexibility to pursue extracurricular opportunities, for example, double major, one or two minors, internships and study abroad. 
  • This track is compatible with every major, and students are able to pursue any law school or decide not to attend law school after all.

No, high-unit majors are NOT recommended for the 3+3 track, including engineering, international studies, business, graphic design and music.

No, students can use Pacific Legal Advantage to learn more about legal careers and the rigors of law school in order to determine if law school is the right fit for them. 

No, Pacific does not offer a major in pre-law. A student's major provides a context in which to study the law. For example, an engineering student may become interested in studying patent law or intellectual property. The director collaborates with each student and their advisor to customize a degree program that integrates their major and the law.

No, the University has non-binding admission processes. Your interview will only be used to determine your acceptance to the Pacific Legal Advantage Program and scholarship eligibility.

Students in both the 3+3* and 4+3 tracks are guaranteed admission into Pacific McGeorge School of Law as long as they meet the median criteria for Pacific McGeorge. This requirement is based on the previous year's enrolling class (2019 medians: 153 LSAT / 3.35 college GPA).

*Students in the 3+3 track must complete at least 92 units, including general education, their major and Pacific Legal Advantage requirements, before enrolling at McGeorge, where they will complete their bachelor's and J.D. degrees.

  • Students should indicate Pacific Legal Advantage as a "pre-professional program" on their application to the University.
  • The program can only accommodate 12-15 students per freshman class.


* We consider an unweighted GPA, based on 9th-11th grade. SAT is based on Math and Critical Reading sections only.

  • Students may incur additional per-unit fees if the number of units taken exceeds the maximum number for full-time status.
  • In addition, the cost of transportation for all other Pacific Legal Advantage events is covered by the program.

  • Scholarships are awarded based on merit.