Design and Synthesis of Anticancer Drugs

Cancer is constantly evolving. It is critical that new generations of anti-cancer medicines are designed, tested and synthetized—first in labs and then pharmaceutical factories. Chemists are key players in this continuous battle between human ingenuity and cancer.

Students in this program will gain hands-on lab skills for designing and synthesizing molecules that are effective and efficient in treating cancer and will use state-of-the-art glassware, instruments and software in a chemistry laboratory setting.


Using quantum-chemical modeling and studying scientific literature, students will learn how cancer develops and different types of chemotherapy conquer cancer cells. 

Working alongside faculty and graduate student mentors, students will use a variety of lab glassware and design and synthesis techniques to create organic and inorganic anticancer drug compounds. Following the synthesis, students will purify and characterize these drugs with advanced analytical equipment. They will then analyze the data and examine the mechanisms by which the individual drugs destroy cancer cells. Students will present their final findings.

Student with vials
Planned Topics
  • Learn what cancer is and how different chemotherapy options treat cancer 
  • Learn about laboratory techniques for synthesizing anti-cancer drug molecules
  • Design and synthesize anticancer drugs
  • Purify and characterize synthesized products using advanced analytical chemistry equipment
  • Use theoretical modeling and scientific literature to improve on drug designs
  • Develop a scientific research presentation and professionally present it to a diverse audience
Qinliang Zhao
Faculty Lead
Qinliang Zhao

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry

PhD in Inorganic Chemistry, Texas A&M University, 2007
BS in Chemistry, Zhejiang University, 2003

Dr. Zhao’s research group focuses on the design and creation of organic molecules, enzyme inhibitors and metal-containing architectures for catalyst and anticancer drug development. They employ bioactivity assays and theoretical modeling to examine reactivities and innovate their design toward more efficient and selective medicines.