New resources help students and families navigate Pacific

A student uses the new interactive campus map located inside the One-Stop Student Center in Knoles Hall.
University of the Pacific has launched new tools to make navigating the university campus and resources even easier, including a digital portal, one-stop student center and interactive campus map.
The new digital portal “MyPacific” provides students with one place to conduct transactions, access resources and get highly personalized information. It takes the place of the university’s current intranet sites, Inside Pacific and Pulse, which will be phased out permanently by June. A mobile app also is available in the App and Play Stores.
“MyPacific takes everything the campus community needs to access online and puts it in one location,” said Senior Director of Digital Communications Ryan Walters. “This is a tremendously beneficial platform which makes it faster and simpler to access information and resources at Pacific.”
The site is now the primary destination for everything from registering for classes and reserving study rooms to making payments and viewing important campus notifications. Users can get guidance on the new system in an online tutorial.

The One-Stop Student Center is located in Knoles Hall directly behind the Burns Tower Welcome Center.
The online portal complements the One-Stop Student Center launched in 2022. Located inside Knoles Hall directly behind the Burns Tower Welcome Center, the space provides a central location for students and families to get help with enrollment, course registration, housing, financial aid, PacificCards and more.
The space has a reception and lounge area with offices that can be used to meet privately with students and families. It is open 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.
“It’s really beneficial, especially to prospective students,” said fourth-year student Alyssa Hershey ’23, a member of the Tiger Team which staffs the welcome desk. “When they come in, we’re able to direct them to financial aid, the registrar and our admissions counselors and answer any questions they have about the school.
“We’re also here to help with directions if people get lost—even current students. During the first week of school, we get students walking in and asking where their classes are. They know we’re here, ready to help.”
New and prospective students and families also can get help finding their way around the 175-acre Stockton Campus with a newly launched digital map on display in the One-Stop Student Center.
The large touch screen allows users to quickly locate campus buildings and take directions with them by scanning a QR code, which sends personalized directions directly to a user’s phone through Google Maps. See the new map in action.
“People have been blown away by it. It’s really useful,” Hershey said.
Screens displaying the digital map will eventually be added to other key locations around the Stockton Campus. Digital maps for the Sacramento and San Francisco campuses are in early planning stages.