
Alumni Spotlight: Darin Alpert '08 COP

Darin Alpert '08 COP

Darin Alpert '08 COP

Darin Alpert ‘08, exemplifies the dynamic success that can emerge from a University of the Pacific education. Originally from San Diego, Darin chose Pacific for its renowned sports management program and the charm of its historic campus. “I remember parking in front of Burns Tower and falling in love with the ivy-clad buildings and the small campus feel,” he recalls.

After earning his degree, Darin pursued a career in sales, driven by a desire to emulate Jerry Maguire. This ambition led him to significant roles, selling software to Fortune 500 companies like Microsoft and Levi's. “Business is the ultimate sport,” he says. “It’s where I can compete and make an impact.”

A major turning point in his career came when he co-founded "Find Me Gluten Free," a groundbreaking app that connects users to gluten-free dining options. The app’s success led to an investment from television personality Mark Cuban and a profitable exit for Alpert and his partners just two years later. “Mark Cuban emailed us through our contact form. It was surreal,” Darin shares. “He wanted to advertise on the app, and the investment followed. That was a game-changer for us.” The app now boasts over 3 million users worldwide.

Darin’s latest venture is Gheelish Popcorn, a brand that reflects his commitment to transparency and health in food. Launched under the parent company Foods You Know, Gheelish Popcorn offers a line of snacks that are both tasty and nutritious. In less than one month on the market, the product has already gained national traction, appearing in 360 Sprouts stores nationwide and achieving significant sales milestones. “We went from making the product in our kitchen to having it on shelves within months. It’s been an incredible journey,” Alpert explains.

Darin credits much of his success to the connections and experiences he gained at Pacific. “Professor Linda Lyman was instrumental in my career,” he says. “Her ability to make things relatable and her network were invaluable. She set us up with volunteer opportunities that were crucial for our development, and invited students to her home for pie at Thanksgiving.” His work as a student intern in the athletics department honed his marketing skills. “Working at athletics games taught me a lot about reaching out and engaging people,” he notes. “The small campus environment at Pacific allowed me to build strong relationships and learn from my peers.” Pacific classmate, Chris Robb '06 COP, has recently joined the Foods You Know team as investor/advisor and will bring his passion and expertise to this dynamic group.

Now living in Raleigh, NC, with his wife and one-year-old son, Darin continues to innovate the food industry. His plans include expanding the line of Gheelish Popcorn and introducing more healthy snack options to the market. “I want to provide healthy food options for my son,” he says. “That’s what drives me. If you can help a lot of people, the money will follow.”

Darin's advice to fellow alumni is to support each other’s ventures. He encourages you to sample Pacific alumni products like Gheelish Popcorn and to stay connected with the network of friends and mentors that make a difference. “The connections you make at Pacific are powerful. They shape your path in ways you might not realize.”

Stay connected with Darin and his latest project by visiting the "New For You" section at your local Sprouts.