Aging and Oral Health—The Long Game
Aging and Oral Health—The Long Game
08:30 a.m. - 04:30 p.m.
Many people are diagnosed with chronic systemic diseases in their 40s and 50s, so waiting to focus on oral health to support systemic health at older ages is too late. Participants will consider specific indications for periodontal, endodontic and restorative care within the context of aging and the broader needs of aging individuals and populations. Participants will have an opportunity to meet representatives from organizations who advocate for and support the needs of older individuals in the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento, Stockton and across California.
This event will be held on the University of the Pacific’s Sacramento Campus. Continental breakfast and lunch included. This activity is designated for 7 units of continuing education credit.
Dental/Medical Integration — Why and How, The Relevance to Older Adults and Successful Longevity
Lisa Simon, MD, DMD
Older adults have the lowest rate of dental insurance of any demographic and many struggle to access dental care. How did this happen, and what can dentists and dental professionals do about it? In this presentation, we will review how oral health affects healthy aging and explore cutting-edge interventions bridging oral health and overall health. We will also discuss ways that dental professionals can be engaged in policy to ensure access to oral healthcare for older adults. We will evaluate the role of Medicare Advantage plans in providing oral healthcare coverage, and discuss the most recent changes to the Medicare program to provide coverage for medically necessary dental care.
You Will Learn:
- The most up-to-date evidence on the effect of oral health on healthy aging
- To describe major changes in Medicare policy that affect access to dental care
- To list some of the most innovative projects in oral health and medical integration to improve the health of older adults.
Aging in Modern Society
Nurit Fisher-Schemer, PhD, MSW, MEd
This lecture will cover key topics such as major developmental tasks, biological aging theories, and normal age-related changes. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the aging process including learning how to assess older adults, considering the impact of social determinants on their well-being. We will also discuss the emotional challenges of late life, examining grief overload, and explore the cognitive, social, and psychological aspects of aging, differentiating between normal cognitive changes and mental illness. Finally, study types of dementias and Alzheimer's disease, enhancing your ability to navigate the complexities of mental health in later life. This course equips you with practical skills and a nuanced perspective to contribute effectively to the well-being of the elderly.
You Will Learn:
- To gain knowledge of the diversity and human rights perceptive of our society towards the aging population
- To understand important principles and theories of aging and their implications for healthcare
- To consider the social determinants accumulation during life and the way they affect the elderly
Causes, Prevention and Restoration of Tooth Erosion
Rebecca Moazzez, BDS, MSc, PhD
Erosive Tooth Wear (ETW) has been a challenging condition that has long plagued patients and clinicians. Systemic, nutritional, and behavioral factors form a unique triad in its complex etiology. Modern, innovative methods of diagnosis and management will be presented to customize a predictable and minimally invasive approach for the patient.
You Will Learn:
- How to detect and diagnose ETW correctly
- To have a clear understanding of ETW caused by diet or medical condition
- To have a clear understanding of minimally invasive methods of management of ETW
- To raise awareness about ETW
Endodontic Considerations for the Elderly Patient
Yaara Berdan, DDS, MBA
The preservation of natural teeth significantly enhances oral health outcomes for all patients, including older individuals, with root canal therapy frequently playing a crucial role in achieving this goal. This presentation will review the challenges and considerations when providing endodontic care to this demographic.
Factors such as physical and cognitive decline and changes to the oral tissue will be discussed as well as how these changes may impact treatment. Treatment strategies aimed at achieving successful outcomes in both technique and patient management will be covered.
By addressing the benefits, challenges, medical considerations, and treatment strategies, dental professionals can better navigate geriatric endodontic care, ultimately enhancing the quality of life for elderly patients.
You Will Learn:
- Communication strategies for providing compassionate and patient-centered care when treating elderly patients
- Strategies to address complexities of care as a result of diminished pulp spaces
- How to manage pain and infection in elderly patients with complex medical histories
- The importance of communication with other healthcare providers
Periodontal Health: Bone Sets the Tone
Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH, FACD, FICD
Multiple factors are creating a tsunami of systemic bone density issues. Low systemic bone mineral density may have direct implications in periodontal/implant therapy. This course will review osteoporosis and osteopenia, current therapy, and diagnosis. Present medical therapy will also be introduced.
Research associated with periodontal disease, tooth loss, and alveolar ridge resorption will be discussed. Practical clinical therapy and application will be presented with an emphasis on periodontal/implant treatment. An update on controversies regarding bisphosphonate osseous necrosis will be reviewed and current recommendations for treatment and prevention.
You Will Learn:
- Understand the systemic manifestations of osteoporosis and dental implications
- The current literature regarding osteoporosis and periodontal diseases/implants
- To understand current medical therapies
- The current recommendations on prevention of osteonecrosis
Dental Benefits in Medicare
Elisa Chávez, DDS
Amy Hollis, RDHAP
Participants will learn about the rationale for a Universal dental benefit in Medicare and what resources are currently available to patients through Medicare.
You Will Learn:
- What dental benefits are and are not available through Medicare, Medicare Advantage and PACE programs
- Accessing dental benefits through Medicare Advantage plans, tips and lessons learned
Putting it Into the Big Picture: What to do at what stage of life — how do we know?
Elisa Chávez, DDS
You Will Learn:
- To assess the appropriateness of care from well-elder to frail elder
Lisa Simon, MD, DMD, is a physician, dentist, and health services researcher. She has been involved in the implementation of medical-dental integration projects in both the primary care and dental setting and has published more than 70 peer-reviewed articles on the separation of medicine and dentistry. She is a faculty member in the Division of General Internal Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School, and the Harvard School of Dental Medicine.
Nurit Fischer-Shemer, PhD, MSW, MEd, is an assistant clinical professor and IPE coordinator in the Department of Social Work in the School of Health Sciences, the University of the Pacific, Sacramento, California. Nurit specializes in intergenerational trauma among individuals, families, and communities. Her research and social work practice are community-based, with a focus on health care, losses, grief processes, coping and resilience mechanisms within life span perspectives, and with an emphasis on older adults and minority communities. Her educational philosophy is student-centered, and she has teaching experience in universities, schools, and communities. She believes in a holistic approach to health that recognizes the whole person in their environment. Nurit has a pharmacy degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and a Master's degree in Science Education from Beer-Sheva University.
Rebecca Moazzez, BDS, MSc, PhD, earned a BDS, master’s and PhD from University of London. She is a prosthodontist and one of 16 international experts in the field of erosive tooth wear. She joined the Dugoni School of Dentistry as chair of the Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry in 2021. Previously, she was a professor of prosthodontics and oral clinical research at King’s College London where she began teaching in 1998. In 2013, she became the college’s founding director of the Oral Clinical Research Unit. Dr. Moazzez has more than 60 publications and grants totaling $4 million to help fund her research. She serves as the founding director of the Dugoni School’s Center for Innovation and Translation.
Yaara Berdan, DDS, MBA, is Assistant Professor of Clinical Dentistry, Co-Chair of Endodontics and Periodontics, and Director of DDS endodontics at Ostrow. Upon graduation from dental school at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF), she completed a pediatric dentistry residency at Children’s Hospital in Boston and after several years of practice completed an advanced endodontic program at the University of Illinois in Chicago (UIC). She practiced endodontics in the LA area before transitioning to teaching. Dr. Berdan is active in the American Dental Education Association where she serves as Councilor for the Endodontics Sections. She is also a member of the Educational Affairs Committee of the American Association of Endodontists. In 2022 she received her MBA from the USC Marshall School of Business.
Dr. Joan Otomo-Corgel, DDS, MPH, received her Doctorate of Dental Surgery from UCLA School of Dentistry in 1976 and subsequently received her Masters in Public Health from UCLA School of Public Health in 1980. In addition, Dr. Otomo-Corgel completed a General Practice Residency 1977 and Postdoctoral Periodontics Residency 1979 from West Los Angeles VAMC. She is a Full Clinical Professor at the UCLA School of Dentistry, Department of Periodontics and faculty and chair of periodontal research at the Greater Los Angeles VA Health Care Center Dental Service. She served as faculty at the WLA City College of Dental Hygiene Department from 1990 - 2010. She maintains a private practice limited to Periodontics, oral medicine, and implantology in Los Angeles.
Elisa M. Chávez, DDS is a Professor in the Department of Diagnostic Sciences at the Arthur A. Dugoni School of Dentistry, San Francisco. She graduated from The University of California San Francisco, School of Dentistry and earned her certificate in Geriatric Dentistry from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Dr. Chávez has practiced in private, community health, long-term care and hospital settings including Centro de Salud Familiar La Fe in her hometown of El Paso Texas, The Veteran’s Administration in Ann Arbor, Michigan, The Jewish Home for the Aged in San Francisco and On Lok PACE in the Bay Area. She has served on the California Dental Association Medicare Task Force and as a member of The Santa Fe Group she is an advocate for the oral health needs of older adults nationwide. She currently serves as the Director of the Pacific Center for Equity in Oral Health Care.