Chi-Wook Lee

Chi-Wook Lee

Khoury 102
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Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering from University of Florida

M.S., Mechanical Engineering from University of Wisconsin-Madison

B.S., Mechanical Engineering from Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea

Teaching Interests

MECH 15 - Engineering Graphics
MECH 104 - Introduction to Mechatronics
ENGR 110 - Instrumentation and Experimental Methods
MECH 175 - Systems Analysis and Controls
MECH 204 - Advanced Mechatronics

Research Focus

Dynamic Systems and Controls
Renewable Energy




Chi-Wook Lee, Kyle Watson, and Brian Weick, "ABET Assessment of a Mechanical Engineering Program through Senior Capstone Design Courses at University of the Pacific,"Journal of Engineering Education Research, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp18-33, 2010

Chi-Wook Lee, et al. (in Korean),  동력수 상레저 일반조 종2급 (Powerboat Driver's Manual), 서현사 (SeoHyun Sa) (, ISBN: 978-89-90357-85-4. September 20, 2009

Chi-Wook Lee, et al., "벌거벗은 공학교육과 산학협력(Korean Engineering Education Issues and Overseas Examples of Successful University and Industry Relationships)," Poornsasang (푸른사상), ISBN: 978-89-5640-608-4, February 28, 2008

Chi-Wook Lee and Brian Weick, "Co-operative Education at University of the Pacific And Its Assessment for ABET Accreditation of Mechanical Engineering Program,"Journal of Engineering Education Research, Vol. 11 No. 4, pp76-93, 2008

Kim, S.H., Lee, C.W. and J.M. Lee "Beat Characteristics and Beat Maps of the King Seong-deok Divine Bell," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Volume 201, pp. 21-44, 2005

Kim, S.H., Lee, C.W., Yoo, N., Nam, Y., Kang, S., Kim, B., Lee, J. and Kim, K. "Wind power technology development, transfer and commercialisation, along with construction of a wind turbine test site in Korea," International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 360-385, 2005

Lee, Chi-Wook and Paoluccio, John, "A Probe system for cave exploration and pipe/duct system inspection,"International Journal of Technology Transfer and Commercialisation, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 216-225, 2004