A results-oriented program to help you with the Fundamentals of Transit Grants and Funding.
Level 1
Fundamentals of Transit Grants & Funding
April 24, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time
Course Topics
- What is a “grant” and how do I know if my agency qualifies?
- Who are the grant funding agencies? How do I contact them?
- How do I apply for federal, state, and local grants the “right way”?
- What are the best practices to use in applying for competitive grants?
- How do I engage the public and stakeholders in my grant funding process?
Course Format (100% online)
The course consists of 3 hours of self-paced prep work and 3 hours of live online session.
Course Fee:
$375 for Fundamentals of Transit Grants & Funding Level 1
$650 when you register for both Levels 1 and 2.
Course Overview
This set of courses will provide an overview of grant funding programs, requirements, and procedures essential to transit and social service transportation agencies. For Level 1, participants will learn the basic steps involved in applying for and administering grants and financial assistance, while obtaining fundamental knowledge about compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements. An interactive exercise is included to engage the learner in understanding effective grant management principles and procedures.
Who Should Attend?
- New Grant Managers and Analysts
- Administrative Assistants
- Budget Officer and Staff
- Accounting Staff
- Finance Managers and Staff
Level 2
Fundamentals of Transit Grants & Funding
May 8, 2025 | 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Pacific Time
Course Topics
- Federal Transit Grants: Grant Programs, Authorization, Appropriations, Master Agreement, Certifications & Assurances, Project Management, Cost Allocation, Indirect Costs, Monitoring, and Reporting,
- State Transit Grants: Grant Programs, Planning, Budget, Application Procedures, Standard Agreement, Awards Management, Project Management, Reporting, Monitoring, Audits/Reviews, and Closeout.
- Local/Regional Funding: Voter-Approved Sales Tax Measures, Special Assessments, and Fee-Generated Revenues.
Course Format (100% online)
The course consists of 3 hours of self-paced prep work and 3 hours of live online session.
Course Fee:
$425 Level 2
$650 when you register for both Levels 1 and 2.
Course Overview
For Level 2, participants will build upon the course instruction from Level 1 and be provided with technical information on grant award and post-award activities. The course will also cover grant program compliance, statutory law, and regulatory requirements. The course content will be presented at the intermediate level with interactive group exercises.
Who Should Attend?
- Grant Managers, Analysts, and Staff
- Budget Officer and Staff
- Accounting and Finance Managers and Staff
- Project Managers

Kimberly Ann Turner has over 20 years’ experience with state and federal transit grant programs. Most recently, Kimberly worked at the Federal Transit Administration (FTA) in Washington, DC, for seven years as the Director for Policy Review and Development where she facilitated FTA’s transit policies, as well as the implementation of authorizing legislation under 49 USC, Chapter 53, for FTA’s grant funding programs. Prior to working at FTA, she worked at the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) for over 29 years. During her tenure at Caltrans, she was the Office Chief for State and Federal Grants. She is currently a full-time consultant working directly with different transit agencies in the area of grants management.
Register to attend either Level 1 or Level 2 or both sessions.
Level 1 - April 24, 2025
Level 2 - May 8, 2025

Westgate Center Programs
Eberhardt School of Business
Weber Hall 212
3601 Pacific Avenue, Stockton, CA 95211
Email: Westgate Center
Peter Johnson
PH: 209.946.3912
EJ Kim
Program Manager
PH: 209.946.2956
We are always here to help.