Innovative Solutions for Global Emergency Response

Public health emergencies such as pandemics, bioterrorism, and widespread disease outbreaks pose significant threats to communities and require a robust and coordinated healthcare response. The MEMS program at Pacific will prepare graduates to manage such public health crises by training them in the critical intersection of emergency management and healthcare, including strategies for hospital preparedness, healthcare system resilience, and protecting vulnerable populations. Graduates will learn to collaborate effectively with public health agencies, healthcare providers, and emergency response teams to ensure a comprehensive approach to disaster management that prioritizes health outcomes.

This program provides advanced education in emergency preparedness, response, recovery, and mitigation, particularly focusing on integrating healthcare systems, public health strategies, and the role of agencies such as FEMA in coordinated disaster and healthcare response efforts. 

Admission Criteria

  • Earned bachelor's or master's degree from an accredited program in public service/health
    • Other degrees may be considered on a case-by-case basis
  • A cumulative GPA of 2.65 or better in all post-secondary coursework
  • Official transcripts from all post-secondary institutions
  • Meet Technical Standards
  • GRE is NOT required
  • No credit will be granted for work-related experiences
  • Current CV/Resume
  • Statement of how the program aligns with the applicant's goals

Technical Skills

Online learning requires only basic technical skills:

  • Competency with file management (e.g., creating a folder on your desktop, moving files from one location to another, finding a saved file)
  • Internet navigation skills
  • Download plug-ins from the Internet
  • Update your Internet browser
  • Send and receive email
  • Create and save documents (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, or HTML)
  • Copy text from a word processing program and paste it into another program

The University of the Pacific will provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities otherwise qualified to complete the essential functions of the curriculum. However, the student must complete such essential functions in a reasonably independent fashion. 

Classes are 100% online

Asynchronous format

Complete your degree in 15 months

Image shows three emergency responders standing near the site of an incident.
What can you do with a Master's in Emergency Management Science?

As we see the increase in emergencies such as climate-change-induced natural disasters, global pandemics, and workplace and school violence, we also see an increase in the need for EM professionals. Here at Pacific, you will learn the theoretical foundations of emergency management science to help you apply EM principles in the public and private sectors.

Your graduate degree in Emergency Management Science from Pacific will help prepare you for jobs such as:

  • Emergency Management Director
  • Disaster Recovery Coordinator
  • Crisis Manager
  • Business Continuity Planner
  • Emergency Preparedness Analyst
Why Choose Emergency Management Science at Pacific?

The program will prepare students to:

  • Discuss theoretical foundations in the field of emergency management science
  • Apply emergency management science principles to the public and private sector
  • Create and disseminate knowledge in the field of emergency management science
Image shows a team of responders working on saving earthquake victims from a building.
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Emergency Management Science

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Sacramento, CA 95817

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